10 Steps to Becoming a Better Photographer

Описание к видео 10 Steps to Becoming a Better Photographer

Check out my portfolio at http://www.615studios.com. In my opinion, these are the 10 steps to becoming the best photographer you can be. The 10 steps are:

1. Admit that you love photography
2. Learn all you can about your camera & lenses
3. Understand the 3 variables of exposure (Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO) and learn to shoot in manual mode
4. Study and know your subject
5. Buy a DSLR camera and the best lens or lenses that you can afford
6. Find and study other photographers whose work you enjoy and/or admire
7. Become a student of light
8. Shoot in RAW mode and get good photo editing software.
9. Never stop learning


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